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String Quartet
Strings, bowed
- Program Notes
- Composed during a two-week vacation in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, my first work for String Quartet focuses on the idea of expansion versus contraction, sparked by my interest in several theories of creation. In particular, the Oscillating Universe Theory was particularly interesting, and it relates to the established phenomenon known as the Red Shift. Briefly explained: “the oscillating universe theory briefly considered by Albert Einstein in 1930 theorized a universe following an eternal series of oscillations, each beginning with a Big Bang and ending with a Big Crunch; in the interim, the universe would expand for a period of time before the gravitational attraction of matter causes it to collapse back in and undergo a bounce.” The theory is no longer current, but my fascination with others. After finishing the movement and sharing it with several other composers, I was urged to consider expanding it into a full-scale quartet. Thus, after several drafts, ideas, and headaches, I settled on the name Red Shift, to explore several different theories of creation. Throughout the movement, the idea of expansion vs. attraction governs the sound. As rhythmic relationships expand, so too do pitch relationships. Each builds from nothing and expands to a larger form of itself, peaking and contracting down to its original form, but in a new form.
- Recording Notes
- Recorded November 23rd, 2019. Violin: Christian Harvey Violin: Yeseul Lee Viola: Haley Kruse Cello: Garret Hayes World Premiere