
String Quartet No. 2 - II. Andante

String Quartet
4 min.




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Program Notes
Lofton's original intent when writing String Quartet No. 2 was mainly to be an exemplary work to one of his students. For 2 months in 2022, Lofton spent a few nights weekly explaining how to write a string quartet. These four movements are the result of those nights. Movement 2: Movement 2 uses a simple Ternary form (ABA'), with each idea being as basic as possible to highlight the form used. A (Measures 1-32): Theme A is a basic melody using the AABA melody structure. Once the melody has run its course, it is then repeated. B (Measures 33 - 60): This Section is usually used to introduce a little drama. As a result, Lofton has chosen to shift the entire section into a minor key, and develop the grace note idea from earlier in the movement. This entire section culminates into a big crescendo and a high trill from the first violin. This is then followed by a diminuendo and a dominant chord from the second violin, viola, and cello, similar to the end of a development section of a piece in sonata-allegro form. This then leads us back into the reprise of the A theme. A': Funnily enough, this entire section is exactly the same as the original A section. The composer may choose to add a funny twist here if they prefer to, but in this case, Lofton chose to keep things as simple as possible.
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NotePerformer 4