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- Program Notes
- " ... the price of everything and the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde "The Prize of Nothing" for Pierrot ensemble includes spoken text with performers, such as speaking on top of each other, speaking in unison, speaking paired with percussive sounds, speaking in a hocketing pattern, & held syllables. Choreographies include quick and abrupt head movements coordinated with percussive sounds, performers looking down, looking away from the audience, & looking at the audience. Text by Melissa Wang Congratulations! You just won a __ . You just won a __ and you will receive it in the next few days. It can do absolutely nothing. (Nothing?) (Nothing. Absolutely ... .... nothing). Oh. It can do nothing. So congratulations! It can do nothing but __, __ . __, _ . So actually, it can. It can do something. It can ruin your life.
- Recording Notes
- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna)
- Performer Credits
- Platypus Ensemble / Elena Gabbrielli (flute), Anna Koch (clarinet), Annette Fritz (violin), Irini Liu (cello), Panagiotis Nikitaris (piano)
- External Links