
(y)our choice

12 min.

Computer-Controlled Instrument

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Program Notes
In this piece, I intend to overload the automatic piano. If requesting the piano to play plenty of notes fast and continuously (e.g., play a ten-note-cluster 8 times in 0.5 seconds without interruption), the piano will overload. The result is that the piano will play some of the notes – decided by its program – separately like an arpeggio but not every note simultaneously; also, it will play longer than the order has been requested (e.g., if the piano receives the order mentioned as the example above, it will need more than 0.5 second to complete it). This is the reason why sometimes the piano will still be playing although there is no note notated in the score. How to compose the piece is my choice. How to perform the piece is the piano’s choice. The musical outcome is our choice.
Ensemble Name
Yamaha Disklavier

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