
Noise Flies High

9 min.

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Program Notes
This is an example of a rare piece of music of mine to come without a program. Instead this piece is an exploration of my current microtonal and timbral interests. In this delve into microtonality, I decided to focus on a couple of intervals that I would compose with, very much similar to my usual approach of using interval collections around a center pitch. I decided upon a 3rd detuned a quarter down, and a 5th tuned a quarter up. I have also decided to emphasize an unaltered 4th. In this piece, Noise Flies High can refer to the instruments gradually exploring their upper ranges as the piece goes on, a gradual increase of the emphasized intervals, and a lightening of the extended techniques which add a darkness and grittiness to the sound. The title simply comes from part of the lyrics to Daniel Avery’s EDM song Drone Logic.
Recording Notes
Performed at the Texas New Music Festival 2024
Ensemble Name
Texas Festival Ensemble