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31. (endless and unreal) - for string quartet

String Quartet
14 min.




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Program Notes
An episodic study on various approaches to just intonation whose structure is inspired by a chapter from Ivo Andrić’s celebrated novel Bridge on The Drina (Na Drini ćuprija) involving a supernatural, possibly demonic card game on the novel’s titular bridge in the Bosnian town of Višegrad.
 This bridge is used throughout the novel as a stage for the unfolding of over 300 years of history on the frontiers of empire - as manifested in the daily interactions and encapsulated dramas of Višegrad’s multi-ethnic, interconfessional community. In this strange chapter at the book’s midpoint, the bridge itself is pulled out of space and time, setting the stage for an altogether different kind of struggle. Written especially for Del Sol, 31. (endless and unreal) aims to integrate a detailed approach to tuning with stylistic diversity, rhythmic intensity, and narrative flow. “...the bridge appeared endless and unreal, for its ends were lost in the milky fog and the pillars below sank into darkness; on one side each pillar and arch was brightly lit by the moon, while the other was completely in shadow; these illuminated and darkened surfaces broke and cut in sharp lines so that the entire bridge looked like some strange arabesque created by the momentary play of light and darkness… …It never even crossed his mind that the sofa with its white stone seats and carefree crowd could have any connection with that terrible place, somewhere at the ends of the earth, where he had one night played his last game, staking on a deceiving card all that he possessed, even his own life in this world and the next…”
Recording Notes
Recorded 4/28/2024 at CNMAT, UC Berkeley. Performed by Del Sol Quartet: Hyeyung Sol Yoon - violin Benjamin Kreith - violin Charlton Lee - viola Kathryn Bates - cello
Ensemble Name
Del Sol Quartet

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