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16 min.



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Program Notes
The work Tilèles I have written in 40th years memory of passing of Claude Vivier. That was a Canadian composer who passed away exactly on the night when I was born on March 8, 1983. This year in my 40th birthday I would also like to come back to that figure and pay tribute to him. I always loved his music and decided to pay tribute in that piece. My cycle of Chrosets is about coming back to historical figures. The piece also does not have direct reference to Viver’s music, however the idea of laying two elements one of his most important melody into block of colorful chords that sounds like spectral gongs from Asia might have some far connections, however they are not derived from spectral analysis rather from my coloristic preferences. It is an extremely slow and meditative piece like a lullaby oscillating between two different chords creating tile and painting watercolor mark. At the end in the main section there is repetition of 40 notes G and colorful colorizations of some harmonies. Viver liked to create his own words combining different languages. I also like that and in that piece title where is derived from English “Tile” – and combined with French word – modéles creating title “Tilèles”.
Recording Notes
May 2023, Cracow International Composers Festival
Ensemble Name
Piotr Lato, Wioletta Fulda Tkaczyk

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