
Chamäleon im Halbschatten

14 min.


Bass Flute



Unpitched Percussion


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Program Notes
Chamäleon im Halbschatten (Chameleon in the Penumbra) is characterized by the dialectic of gradual transformations and sudden reversals. The tonal physiognomy of the quintet is predominantly characterized by dull, pale, and dark sounds, which, however, can change at any moment into their opposite of aggressively garish and overexposed. The beginning consists of short sigh motifs, which are mostly only slightly varied. Again and again, however, unforeseen, statistically improbable outliers occur: Some figures suddenly burst in as shrill cries of unexpected intensity, others are many times longer than all the others. These unpredictable outbursts show the radical tonal and expressive mutability of a gesture and thus refer to a fundamental, almost existential insecurity of an only seemingly enclosed space into which disturbing events can break in at any time. In the dark-toned, slowly changing sound currents of the further course, the seemingly fixed identity of the sound figures is also questioned from two sides at the same time: Fuzzy, blurred edges form a border zone in which, for example, it is not always possible to distinguish when one line ends and a second begins. At the same time, the dull-toned, restrained sound gestures can turn into their opposite extreme of glaring distortion sounds at any time. The music’s expressive potential grows out of what is not existing but could be at any time.
Recording Notes
Recording: 28-7-2021 Recording engineer: Dietrich Petzold
Ensemble Name
NEW - Neues Ensemble Wendland