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Steam Engine

Saxophone Quartet
5 min.

Alto Saxophone

Baritone Saxophone

Soprano Saxophone

Tenor Saxophone

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Program Notes
"Steam Engine" is a dynamic and spirited composition for saxophone quartet, capturing the essence of a powerful locomotive in motion. e piece begins with the anticipation and gradual build-up of energy, mimicking the chugging of wheels and train horns. Based on a 12-tone row, the saxophone quartet explores the diverse timbres of the sax family and the use of growls, symbolizing diferent components of the steam engine. e rhythmic drive propels the music forward, with dialogues and motifs passing between instruments. A lyrical middle section briely shits the mood to relect the changing landscapes outside the train window, providing a momentary respite before the quartet plunges back into the exhilarating pulse of the steam engine. e finale is a thrilling ride to the end of the track, with a powerful and triumphant resolution that echoes the climax of a train's journey. "Steam Engine" is a celebration of locomotion, inviting listeners to experience the excitement and grandeur of a steam-powered journey through the expressive medium of the saxophone quartet.
Recording Notes
Recorded with Onyx Lane Music Production
Ensemble Name
Brio Quartet / Meagan Ballard, Ethan Roberts, Aiden Esker, Kate Omstead