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7 min.

Bass Clarinet

Bass Flute




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Program Notes
Thinking about the ensemble not as a group of 5 players but as a meta-instrument able to offer specific timbral possibilities, I tried to explore musical objects that were compelling to me. The first part focuses mainly on homorhythm. I limited myself to a noise-oriented sound palette, letting a few pitched sounds stand out of it. I conceived this section as a cathartic dance, nervous, almost primitive. In the second part, I wanted to explore the relationship between micro-intervals and harmony, with a more idiomatic musical writing. By using a modal basis enriched with the micro-intervals, I tried to create a feeling of both familiarity and singularity. The two parts are contrasting, the second being based on a complex polymeter played by the piano. The other monodic instruments are used as inverted resonances, highlighting fragments of the counterpoint. Although it is more meditative, I conceived it as the other side of the coin, another aspect of repetition, also leading to trance.
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