
樊華歲月 Unforgettable Times from Gen.Fan (for Wind Ensemble)

Wind Ensemble
9 min.

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Program Notes
'Unforgettable Times from Gen. Fan' is a large-scale wind music piece commemorating the pioneer of wind music in Taiwan, General Fan Sie-Hua (the first Captain of the R.O.C. Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra). To interpret and demonstrate the atmosphere of the historical scenes about General Fan, the composer studied related archives and materials before composing. The piece can be divided into four sections: 1. “Returning Time”: In the beginning, the flute’s repeated motives represent the passing of time. A pentatonic melody on the clarinet, General Fan’s primary instrument, is then used to express the image of a loving father and romantic nature. 2. “Great Contribution to Invincibility”: In 1960, President Eisenhower, who had just arrived in Taiwan, praised the excellent performance of the band of the Ministry of National Defense, led by General Fan, at the airport. President Chiang Kai-shek was overjoyed by this and awarded a generous bonus, affirming the band’s outstanding achievements. 3. “Looking Back at the Army”: After the aforementioned achievement, General Fan continued working hard to scale the military and civilian bands and the school system. In the end, the music leads to the Military Anthem of the R.O.C. Army, created by General Fan, offering the highest salute to his perseverance and selfless spirit. 4. “The Army Soul of Gen. Fan”: At the end of this section, the flute motive gradually spreads to other instruments, stacking and expanding in a minimalist style, symbolizing that General Fan’s musical military spirit has spread and deeply ingrained itself in every corner of music and education.