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Cadenza, Op. 2

7 min.




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Program Notes
The 'Cadenza' for Flute, Cello, and Piano, was written in late 2018 and updated in the Spring of 2019 for its first performance in London of that year with the Epoch Ensemble. The work is written for highly skilled players, and utilises three sections where the Flute and Cello begin far apart, merge together and then distance onesful from one another again. The piano part is based on the note 'A', and this pitch locks the whole structure together. The piece should be performed with all players using the full score, as the simultaneous use of free-time and very strict coordination requires all players to be aware of what is going on around them. The cello will need to detune their lowest C-string so that its fundamental pitch is now A, and the part has been written such that the fourth string is a transposing line, so that the player can read as if it were in C for the purposes of fingerings, with the sounding pitch a minor third lower. Any performances, particularly those that are local or national premières, must be made aware of by the composer, who appreciates all opportunities for performances.

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